Whew. Just read a week's worth of posts. Here's an incomplete meara:
Eyebrows: Mine thinned out after the Thyroid Incident, and while they've grown back fairly well, there are still empty patches I have to fill in. This is complicated by the fact that I dye my hair red (now that it's almost entirely gray), but the brow hairs that haven't lost their color are still black as they ever were, and if I lighten them I look WEIRD. My skin and lips and eyes are all light, and without eyebrows and eyeliner on, my face disappears. So, I dye and fill in the brows dark. I worry that they look strange with the red hair, but then again, I guess it's pretty obvious the hair color is not natural. I fill them in with Maybelline's little red brow thingy; it lasts all day and even lasts if I sleep with it on.
Maybe I should just go back to being a brunette. Even though I love the color, I can't get used to idea of being a redhead.
FTR, I don't find Tim Roth sexy. Not even a little.
I bought a bunch of flameless LED candles. They make me happy with the very realistic candleness but they don't threaten to set pets and books aflame. Also, I'm not allergic to LEDs, so that's another win.
I'm just tired of being outraged all the time.
Yeah, me too. I can barely even watch Jon Stewart anymore and I love Jon Stewart. The Evil&Stupid seems to be getting worse, which is destroying what little faith I still had in humanity as a whole.
Erin! "PetSafe Outdoor Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent". My neighbors got a little yappy dog last spring. Now he hardly barks at all. I wish someone would make a version of this that works on people playing their car stereos too loud.
I sorta wish I'd gone with friends to the Rally yesterday, but I know I couldn't have stood up anywhere near that long. The photos I've seen have been marvelous.
Greetings from Everett, WA and happy Halloween! Also, happy anniversary to Jilli & Pete! I hope you both have a wonderful day / evening.
Hi Nilly!
Happy Birthday, Daniel!
We're on our way to see Bev and her DH in Bellingham. Beautiful drive so far. Yesterday wasn't a total fail, since we managed to check the underground tour off the list, but the majority of the afternoon was spent sleeping and we missed out getting to see meara. Pout!
We were able to hit the BSG exhibit and Space Needle this morning, thank goodness, and hopefully I can keep this cold at bay for a while longer.
Can I get a bit of document ma? We leave for India in a little over a week and have received neither our visas (along with the return of our passports) nor the new DL I renewed last month.
I am a nervous wreck.
Tons of may-they-all-show-up ~ma, DJ.
I'll send my views on all propositions to you if you want. I'm off to some events and won't be back till late, but I can get them off late tonight. I'll send to both profile addys. I'm in Oly, so there may be some Seattle or King County ones I'll be no help with, but can at least give views on all the Statewide ones - including brief summaries of why I think something good or bad. It will be no surprise that there I lean "no" a lot more than "yes".
I'm also wary of trusting my local paper's view of things, since we're in a Republican area.
Yeah--I read the Stranger, and often take their suggestions, but on a few of the propositions, I was reading along, and thinking "mmm, I don't think I agree with your reasoning there..." And there's at least one King County prop that I have no idea what the actual impact of it would be (there's one about changing the wording of the preamble to the constitution city charter's first amendment, or somesuch...)
First wave has come through, mainly with the littlest ones in costume.
I haven't seen any around here, and I just walked a couple blocks back from the library. And we have no candy, alas.
I have candy, and the makings for chili! And zuchini bread, which my grandma used to bake, and I loved it so much that when she gave us frozen loaves to take home, I would start nibbling at corner like a mouse before it thawed.
I do not love the grating. I hope I get the wee food processor I asked my mom for for Xmas.
I am reading "Bag of Bones" by King, and after the kiddies go through, I am going to watch the sequel to The Descent on Netflix.
Kids lasted for less than an hour--mostly around our block. But we managed to score several full sized candy bars! And a friend of ours down the street had a single serving, chilled bottle of white Zin for me.