OK, in a complete 180, I was reading Racialicious and saw this story:
I suspect there's gotta be more to it--but seriously, they fired him because of something on his personal truck, not on the school bus? That's creepy to me. Not because I think a confederate flag with "Redneck" on it is...laudable...but makes me think how easily someone with a gay bumpersticker on their truck could get fired as a schoolbus driver.
what kids TV do you watch that way? PBS Kids type of stuff.
Well, we can get PBS Kids free over the air, so that makes it easier. At any given time, our TiVo has three eps each of Curious George, Dinosaur Train, Cat In The Hat, and Superwhy. I'm not sure what they stream online.
meara, I dreamed last night that you were 9 months pregnant. You still looked really cute. That is all.
Hm, looks like Netflix streaming has Electric Company, Arthur, Cat in the Hat, Dinosaur Train, and iCarly, anyway.
Actually a Mac Mini
Oh yeah!! That's what I meant. Fer realz.
I had a dream last night that was so mixed up I'm not sure what was going on, but it featured the Farscape characters, but not the Farscape-verse.
meara, I dreamed last night that you were 9 months pregnant. You still looked really cute. That is all.
HAH! I *did* have a drink with a straight boy last night. But just a friend. I appreciate that I still looked cute! :)
flea, my friend Karen brought her two kids over a couple of weeks ago on a rainy day. After we did all of the usual crafts stuff, and a muddy walk in the rain, we came inside. Karen and I wanted to have an adult conversation, so I turned on the Roku and showed Sloane how to work the remote. She was SO EXCITED about all of the kids stuff on the kids' channel. And no commercials.
I think I will need to be making these tonight: [link]
Not the mousse, that's way to fussy and involved for me to bother. But the cookies, nom.
Back to grading for me.
As for paying $15 a month for NYT online, I am certainly thinking about it. We read NYT daily, especially my husband. I'm more likely to read NYT online than to read the copy of the LAT that gets delivered to the house. Really, as far as the paper copy goes, the only days I really want to peruse the paper are Thursdays (Food section) and Sundays.