I think I am kinda sick. There is a massive tsunami hitting RIGHT NOW and the lady on CNN is interviewing someone and ... not mentioning it.
I mean, I am not certain but I think Japan is one of the best prepared countries for earthquakes both in terms of citizens preparedness and building codes. But there is going to be such destruction and, I fear, loss of life and ecology.
Yeah, with an island nation like Japan, it's the tsunamis that cause the worst damage.
Oh! Kilauea erupted a few days ago in Hawaii. I wonder if all that geological unrest is related?
Well lunar perigee is in a week or so. But then you have to look beyond "end of the world" freaking out to the fact that if you have stressors and a world that gets pushed and pulled by tides, there are going to be places that crack. The world is very geologically active.
Here's a link to a streaming feed of NHK World (English speaking) tv right now: [link]
I've got some script problems with it, but it's probably my security settings, you guys may do better with it. It's...kinda upsetting.
Whoah! That sounds like a huge quake! Damn, I was just doing the pre-bedtime check one last time...and there's really news! Eek.
Oh, Miyagi Prefecture looks awful. I don't have the bandwidth to keep watching all night.
My Hawaii people say the tsunami warning for them is 3 am their time, so that's what, 6 am for me, 5 board time?
I know, meara! I was just getting ready to head to bed, but now I'm all upset.
Does Japan use a different scale, not Richter, for earthquakes? I am seeing wildly different numbers reported. It doesn't change what happened, clearly. But it is confusing me and since I can't do a damn thing else...