Yikes. The weather this winter has been especially apocalypsey. I don't think it means, contrary to the signs, that there will be rapture in May. It's just scary.
Also, for the record, I couldn't remember the word rapture. I kept thinking reckoning and then thinking, NO that's an REM song. So then I googled "May 15 2011 sucked into heaven" and that got me right to rapture.
Also, I have 3 (COUNT 'EM THREE) jars of speculoos. NOM.
Oh! Kat! I was thinking of you while I was in the shower (which is sadly not as porny as it sounds.)
That teacher listsev you mentioned? I know nothing about listservs. Would that means I got a bunch of email? How do I find it or sign up for it?
Also, M lives near Allentown, I can't remember what burb. I don't THINK they live by the Delaware, but I am not sure.
Erin, go here: [link] And it will explain. You can also make an AP Central account which is handy even if you aren't teaching AP.
Amy, speculoos: [link] holy hell it's delicious!
What Amy asked.
I don't know why I keep seeking validation on my just under $2.5K repair bill. I KNOW it was the right choice for me. It's all stuff that is supposed to be replaced on a 14 year old car(though most don't do it all at once,) the car has low mileage for its age, I would not get as reliable a car for the cost, and it is better I don't dip any further into savings than this (though if it'd been one thing and $3K, I'd be talking differently) in case, I dunno, my plumbing fails? And the guys at the shop said all the stuff we did pretty much is good for another 100K. Which at my rate, I hope to see this car hit 25. Which is crazy. But my neighbor is driving an 80s toyota. So. I'd be happy with that.
There was maybe 4 inches of room there and they would commando-crawl all the way to the back.
I figure if they can get their skulls in, they can get in.
I don't know why I keep seeking validation on my just under $2.5K repair bill.
So then I googled "May 15 2011 sucked into heaven" and that got me right to rapture.
I want to tag this.
tag away, Cass.
More on speculoos: [link] It's amazingly good. Wish I had more stuff to spread it on.
Oh, and bathtub porn. For Erin. Or whomever appreciates tubs.
so in my last hour of work we had to deal with a report of a public masturbater. he left evidence behind.
then a man who wished to report me to my boss because I discriminated against him ( I told him to hang on a second - I was helping someone else)
and then the last people I spoke with bitched because they thought we closed the library early. 30 seconds early. no really.
so far I have had thin mints
Amy, speculoos: [link] holy hell it's delicious!
OK, I got sucked into that link and almost went and bought some $14 a jar hazlenut spread. Looks nom, as does the speculoos (even though the name is ....not good)
I had my first personal trainer session today. Did not like the girl (am trying a different trainer on monday), and OWWWWWW my shoulders are supertense (and I'm sure I'll be hurting tomorrow)