There was maybe 4 inches of room there and they would commando-crawl all the way to the back.
I figure if they can get their skulls in, they can get in.
I don't know why I keep seeking validation on my just under $2.5K repair bill.
So then I googled "May 15 2011 sucked into heaven" and that got me right to rapture.
I want to tag this.
tag away, Cass.
More on speculoos: [link] It's amazingly good. Wish I had more stuff to spread it on.
Oh, and bathtub porn. For Erin. Or whomever appreciates tubs.
so in my last hour of work we had to deal with a report of a public masturbater. he left evidence behind.
then a man who wished to report me to my boss because I discriminated against him ( I told him to hang on a second - I was helping someone else)
and then the last people I spoke with bitched because they thought we closed the library early. 30 seconds early. no really.
so far I have had thin mints
Amy, speculoos: [link] holy hell it's delicious!
OK, I got sucked into that link and almost went and bought some $14 a jar hazlenut spread. Looks nom, as does the speculoos (even though the name is ....not good)
I had my first personal trainer session today. Did not like the girl (am trying a different trainer on monday), and OWWWWWW my shoulders are supertense (and I'm sure I'll be hurting tomorrow)
Oh, beth, that sounds miserable. Have more thin mints!
How do you pronounce speculoos?
Oh, beth, that sounds miserable
well, I was kinda of laughing , but in that what else can you do way.
but since I haven't really felt like being a grown up at all , I had thin mints for dinner. There will be a scotch chaser.
I want a Tagalongs dinner with a Scotch chaser. And I had a delicious dinner. But, mmm, cookies.
(You can google "mm, cookies demon" and get "Mm'Fashnik" out of it. Oh, Google, I fear you.)
I want a cookie.
Is the Rapture really set for the Ides of May? I had no idea. I thought it was coming in 2012. Silly me. I've always been bad with dates.