JZ, that's delightful, and
just like with my pets, I keep making the fatal mistake of anthropomorphizing - I receive some kind of feedback and erroneously attribute it to a recognizably human emotion. With a 4-year-old, just as with a cat or dog, this is almost always 100% completely wrong.
is funny as hell!
Oh, thank God, Burrell. It's at least comforting to know that it's not just my kid, that "dreamy little sociopath" is completely developmentally normal.
that "dreamy little sociopath" is completely developmentally normal.
last time I checked, yup. Mine own occasionally turns into a chocolate volcano too.
JZ, you should write more.
also, yup.
JZ, that is a great story.
A nice piece on that Northwestern Human Sexuality course, from someone who took it a few years ago: [link]
That was well-said.
I don't have penis envy
I totally don't get penis envy. It seems to me that the only penis envy that happens is dudes who wish theirs were bigger, and that need is now being met by spam.
I've come to the conclusion that dealing with 4-year-olds carries many of the same pitfalls as dealing with cats and dogs; just like with my pets, I keep making the fatal mistake of anthropomorphizing - I receive some kind of feedback and erroneously attribute it to a recognizably human emotion. With a 4-year-old, just as with a cat or dog, this is almost always 100% completely wrong.
Bwahahahaha! Oh, this is so true.
I totally don't get penis envy.
Yeah, when I learned about penis envy in class, I thought it totally did not make sense. Then I learned about castration anxiety and the Electra complex, which makes even less sense IMHO.
the only penis envy that happens is dudes who wish theirs were bigger, and that need is now being met by spam.
And I honest to god thought, "But a penis made of spam would be so floppy and icky."
Yeesh, people, it is seriously Weatherpocalypsing out there. The wind is INSANE and there were bush sized tumbleweeds flying across the highway 40 mph at head height. Multiple tumbleweeds. The SO took video; I`ll link if he puts it up.
And then I got home and wrangled with the trash can and it was HAILING on me! At 50 degrees. It is ridic out there, I tell you what.
I dunno, I envy many things about having a penis. Or, OK, mostly just one thing--peeing standing up.