Although, I have to say, a pretty good number of them would be deeply pleased with a picture of Tom Hardy with his hand down his pants. But I feel as their mentor and spiritual advisor I am probably not the right avenue for them to come across this particular bit of media.
Ah, you walk a fine line there, Liese.
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Crime and Punishment
In Cold Blood
All good ideas! I am trying to do a mix of funny and serious ones.
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Les Misérables
Random hivemind question: What types of books would you expect to find in a prison library?
My MiL used to be a prison librarian - the most popular genre by far was true crime novels. Go figure.
My friend's boyfriend (who is also my friend) was profiled for being a very big Texas Ranger's fan. [link]
OMG, they make flash drives small now. I almost didn't get the one I'm ogling just because I'm scared I'll lose it. But it's so cute. I'm having a Love All The Small Things spasm right now.
Thanks for the 401k help, guys. Looks like the mutual fund info might be sufficient.