I had the same thought about the car freshener as several of you.
I got my 2 copies of Sam in the mail earlier this week! Hooray! Both are intended to be gifts, but I'll be reading it first!
I got to see Lookingglass's Peter Pan tonight. I recommend it for anyone who might be so inclined to check it out.
I was a week or so behind in this thread and had to skip many, many posts. Apologies if I've missed something important.
Allyson, I got my Sams. One for us and the rest gifts. I think I shall order a few more and make library donations.
You guys are awesome to me.
I'm going nutty. This cold is kicking my ass. I'm going back to work today, but just woke up with the cough and the aching from coughing.
I'm making my sick pack. Sudafed, Robitussin, soup, tea, honey sticks, kleenex, cough drops.
I need to stay home another day, and I also need to work. I wish I could work from home, but I'm non-exempt, so I can't have remote access for anything other than email. It blows, because I could knock out half my to-do list in the morning right here. The rest is bullshit I need to get live signatures for, but I could get one of my secretaries to push it through. Bleh.
WTF. I think I'm going to wear sandals and no coat. It's ALMOST NOVEMBER. (Note: sandals are just for commuting purposes.)
I wore sandals and no coat for commuting purposes. Of course, it was partially motivated by the fear that they were the things that smelled! I also changed my bag, and put on one of the only scented things I can wear, which is burt's bees cuticle cream.
Thanks! I didn't want to be a stealer, assuming this thing goes viral...
Huh. I wore shoes, tights, a sweater and a coat this morning. Plus, I turned the heat on in my bathroom.
Other heaters may be turned on tonight. It's going down to 25 here.
Meanwhile, Sophia - that woman sucks and is just wrong.
Also, I ordered a book from Amazon.co.uk and it shipped but instead of saying that my order has shipped the message they sent me said my order has been "dispatched".
Sophia, you don't smoke, right? Are you around anyone who smokes, or are there chemicals involved in any of the design work you do?
I have a dear friend whose car I absolutely can't ride in because it reeks of D O G but I'm pretty sure she's aware of the situation... and not taking her dogs with her when she goes places is not going to be a lifestyle choice any time soon.