And then I got shit for not visiting home twice or three times a year. And then I got shit for not returning phone calls. And when I honestly said that I had to prepare for the phone call turning into THIS, he did not accept that as a reason, of course, since this was new, and how many conversations ended up like this? A FUCKING LOT OF THEM GODDAMMIT YOU WERE THERE.
And then my mom asked me when I found out about my brother and his girlfriend. I said I didn't know when, it had been a while. She asked why I hadn't told them. "Because this would happen!" I said. She said that if she hadn't found out about them, I wouldn't have told her, is that right? "That is correct," I said. I wouldn't tell her that my brother was doing something wrong? "It's not wrong in my eyes, that's the point!"
"It's not like I was doing drugs," said my brother.
Oh God, there was also the part where my mom said we clearly wished we were born to white parents because then we would be white and everything would be fine. I said that no, then we wouldn't be who we are. No, we would be the same, but with white parents! Hurrah!
"I'm not going to play your game," I said. "I'm not going to let you tell us what we think."
The flogging eventually ended, and my dad said I could get back what I was doing. I didn't tell him that it was too late: I had called on my way to meet a friend for ice cream, and she waited for me for like fifteen or twenty minutes before I told her that she should just go since I didn't know how long this would go on, and then I walked back home.
My brother called while I was writing this and apologized for even jokingly suggesting they put me on speaker, as he didn't mean to put me through that, but he was really glad I was there to support him. He filled me in on a gem I had missed before joining. My mom had asked whether his girlfriend's parents knew that his parents didn't approve. Yes, they did, and they still supported the couple. And then my mom basically said that of course they would, since my brother was going to be a doctor, and she could just live off him. To his very minor credit, my dad called bullshit on that one. (Any points he won with that were entirely lost later on.)
There's more I can't remember or didn't hear clearly, but dear God, that was grueling. And I can expect a follow-up call tomorrow.