It's actually her name.
That's the thing. In Spanish, it's a very common name, especially for Cubans, since it's the name of the patron saint of the island. A more interesting point of fact is that it's a common word that's been appropriated as a name, much like Mercy or Patience in English.
Back when I thought she had a sense of humor, I used to joke how funny it was that we had the same name and (at the time) the same agent. See, therein lies the rub—I don't know if she even would have started this if at the time, we hadn't shared the same agent, since she initially tried to get me to stop using the name by strongarming her.
Barb, I disremember -- who was published first, you or her? Not that it matters, because, as you said, completely different audiences. And also -- YOUR LEGAL NAME.
Jesus, it's not like you up and decided it would be fun to use "Jonathan Franzen" as a pen name.
She was pubbed first, Tep-- and she's far more published in terms of numbers-- something like twenty books. Most are category romances, some stand-along single titles, and a couple of anthologies, one of which hit the NYT Extended Bestseller list (because of the participation of bigger name authors) but which she lays claim to as well.
Almost all of her work has a para slant, so again, nothing even close, other than the cultural connection, which she's mentioned as her primary claim to my infringing on her audience. Also, women.
She needs to get a hobby.
Also, I think my dad is blowing off my birthday.
Well, it's not till tomorrow...this afternoon I could find a bouquet and a poem, right?
Yeah. After my manicure with Sarah Palin.
I did what the shrinks asked and lowered the bar, but damned if he doesn't slither under it.
I'm not even going to tell him I'm pissed, either. Somehow, I think he likes thinking that I might be pouting over mother doesn't think so, but he almost never misses a chance to be a shit to me."Don't take it personally; he's just selfish." hardly warms my heart anyway.
I think I'm going to try the Rules on him.(I don't mean not-porn...I mean "Wow, my e-mail was so full of messages, I must have missed yours," whether or not it is...I'm not fishing)
But I had to tell somebody that I'm actually feeling quite rejected...we only see each other about twice a year anyway...I don't rate room in his datebook?
I told my mother he would do this one day and she was horrified.
There are times you don't want to be right.
Ugh, Barb, what a petty beeyotch. I hope she has a sudden onset, very itchy yeast infection. Karma IN YOUR PANTS!!
ION, I have stayed awake all night watching Season 5 SPN (which I haven't seen) so I can watch the last season. And also so I could (a) get the phone turned back on and (b) call a dr so I can get some pills so I can turn this craxy sleep schedule around.
I have done 1, and have an appt. at 2 with a new dr. Please, please, please, lady doctor, believe in better health through chemistry.
If she want me to do a sleep study or take melatonin or some such bullshit, y'all may have to have a Super Speshul Buffista Fundraiser to bail me outta jail.
Now I just have to make it till two before zonking out. 2 pm will be 20 hours awake, then (hopefully) dr, Target to get script and home to...I don't know. I'll try to stay awake till 6, I suppose, so I can sleep till morning.
Cross fingers, guys. This is driving me batshit crazy.
Be careful if you're driving today, Erin!
Hope it all works out.
New doctor is VERY close to my house. 3 minutes drive, so I will be ok.
And now, I go to get ze cat litter and ze milk. Distractions, keeping busy. Yay.
In Spanish, it's a very common name, especially for Cubans, since it's the name of the patron saint of the island. A more interesting point of fact is that it's a common word that's been appropriated as a name, much like Mercy or Patience in English.
I was gonna say. The whole thing sounds crazy to me.
Maybe she should C&D Cuba.
Hell, C&D all the religions. If they weren't so into this "charity" bizness, people wouldn't be naming their kids after it.