But I really wonder what one will do with a bunch of keychains that also work for supermarket carts (I don't do the shopping here - and when I shop, I mostly try to avoid the chains. And when I do, I go with a bag of my own), hideous napkins from the 80's, various brochures, some knock-offs jewelry on every condition but "intact" which I wouldn't like anyway and a whole lot of knick knacks.
that's the beauty of freecycle. I don't know what people do with the shit I don't care about, but you never know what people can use.
But I really wonder what one will do with a bunch of keychains that also work for supermarket carts (I don't do the shopping here - and when I shop, I mostly try to avoid the chains. And when I do, I go with a bag of my own), hideous napkins from the 80's, various brochures, some knock-offs jewelry on every condition but "intact" which I wouldn't like anyway and a whole lot of knick knacks.
no, she won't actually complain about her decision because that would be admitting that she was wrong. She will complain about the result, though.
And there's another writer with the same first name who has taken umbrage.
oh, I remember that crazy bitch.
Crappity, Barb. For your namesake foe, I say we duck tape her to Hil's former advisor, and drop 'em in a vat of used engine grease.
Really big vat, steep sides, enough oil to make things really slippery, but not enough to drown those delightful personages and so release them from their misery.
Barb, that is insane. You cannot copyright a persons name. If I am remembering correctly your pen name is you actual middle name right?
Barb, I'm sorry people's insanenss is messing with you.
Wow, there actually *are* Freecycle groups in Israel! [link]
These groups aren't really active, and there isn't a group in Jerusalem.
I'm glad that at least for the big stuff - furniture, clothing, there's pretty based charity principle going on here, and if not - there's always second hand stores.
Wow, Barb. I remember that delightful specimen of humanity. It doesn't sound like she has a leg to stand on, but still...
Barb, that is insane. You cannot copyright a persons name. If I am remembering correctly your pen name is your actual middle name right?
Yep. It even still remains my legal middle name, since when I got married, I opted to keep it instead of my maiden name (the other half of my pen name).
She's a special slice of crazy.
And I'm pissed that I'm up at 3:46 in the morning.