Super horray For ND being home! Welcome home dude!
Bonnie, how are you doing over there? Looking forward to pixels saying you are good. And sending tons of vibes your way.
Barb... huh? WTF?
ION- For the 3rd day in a row, the elevator in my building is STILL out of order. @@ Dude! I need to do shopping and laundry. I need that working!
It has to do with the first name of my pen name. And the fact that my new website features it prominently. And there's another writer with the same first name who has taken umbrage. And is tossing around words like trademark and infringement and the like because she's an attorney and thinks that's gonna scare me.
Barb, go medieval on her ass!
ION- it looks like the economy is causing changes in my pension plan. It seems they are pulling another 2.5% out of our paycheck to keep the pension fund solvent. Which means 2.5% cut in take home.
So, since when are UPS and USPS working together?
USPS has to go to all the houses, UPS can be picky.
That sounds utterly insane, Barb. I hope it isn't too much of a nuisance.
Barb that`s ridiculous. And it`s not like that name just belongs to one person. Plus, it`s YOUR NAME!
UPS/USPS causes me problems. I need to be able to specify which one, because obviously only USPS can go to my post office box, but also only UPS/Fedex can go to my street address. I`m so rural that the post office won`t deliver to me. And I`m paranoid enough that I quit fighting for it at some point, figuring that`s one less database I`ll be in. Google maps knows where I am, though.
Well, yes, because there's never been a single author out there that shared a first name with another author. WTF?
Aimee, I hope your co-leader accepted your apology.
Yay for Drew being home, where he belongs. Now heal, damn it.
It has to do with the first name of my pen name. And the fact that my new website features it prominently. And there's another writer with the same first name who has taken umbrage. And is tossing around words like trademark and infringement and the like because she's an attorney and thinks that's gonna scare me.
Hasn't she tried to fuck with you before?
Ass her in the ear.
Hasn't she tried to fuck with you before?
Yes she has.
Ass her in the ear.
I was entertaining visions of rusty chainsaws, sans lube, in unmentionable places.
No shit, Barb. Fuck that noise. It's a name -- your LEGAL name.
What a bitch.
Google-fu! Found her! Take her single-rose posin' ass DOWN.