Vortex - sorry about the mom issues. People asking for advice and then telling you it's wrong advice drives me nuts with nuts on top. Can you start yelling, "PERIOD! PERIOD! PERIOD!" at her and hope she stops? (That's my favorite story re: your dad, BTW. Whenever I buy tampons, I yell it in my head.)
So it appears that my co-leader is still pissed at me from standing her up a couple of weeks ago. Tonight I sent her four picture texts with me holding up signs that said, "Please" "Love" "Me" "Again" and then a fifth one with a sign I made that had our initials in a heart.
THEN! I wrote her a poem on her FB wall.
Oh Beautiful Miss Kristy - how thine eyes shine with mirth!
How your presence makes things better
for us mortals here on earth.
Those of us who know you
can't help but feel the love.
...You are brighter than the stars
that shine in the sky above.
Oh Beautiful Miss Kristy - I wrote this ode for you.
In the hopes to make things better
and that you still love me, too.
I hope this helps to start fixing things.
YAY Drew being home!
And oy, Vortex, I feel your mom pain since clearly, ours are also related.
ION, I just received a C&D on my own fucking name. I'm so pissed, I can't see straight. Also, can't talk much about it, other than to say I'm so fucking pissed, I can't see straight.
Well shit. Isn't Bon Bon a tradmark specialist? If she is not the right kind of IP lawyer for you, or not currently in practice, she can probably direct you to someone.
What?! Barb, who...how? WHAT?
Ok, can't talk about it, I see. But I just Googled you, and you alone turned up on the first 3 google pages?!
What?! Barb, who...how? WHAT?
Four excellent questions. Well, three, but then it bears repeating.
So, since when are UPS and USPS working together?
I ordered some shirts via a Big man's site online, and chose regular shipping.
The tracking number arrived via email yesterday, so I checked tonight.
Imagine my surprise when the latest entry was in my own town, about noon today with the phrase "Tendered to Local Post Office"
So I looked it up in help, and here's what it says:
Tendered to Local Post Office
UPS has given the package to the U.S. Postal Service, who will make the final delivery. This contractual service may require an additional day for delivery.
This is weird.
Am I on the other side of the Fringe barrier?
Super horray For ND being home! Welcome home dude!
Bonnie, how are you doing over there? Looking forward to pixels saying you are good. And sending tons of vibes your way.
Barb... huh? WTF?
ION- For the 3rd day in a row, the elevator in my building is STILL out of order. @@ Dude! I need to do shopping and laundry. I need that working!
It has to do with the first name of my pen name. And the fact that my new website features it prominently. And there's another writer with the same first name who has taken umbrage. And is tossing around words like trademark and infringement and the like because she's an attorney and thinks that's gonna scare me.