Cons -- Some days, I could easily see myself as that cynical type of cigarette-smoking, flask-sipping anti-fairy: "Bitches, brush your motherfucking teeth. It ain't hard. Up down, all around. Now bring momma a bucket of fries and a martini."
I would have paid folding green money for this when my kids were little. But then, I'm not exactly winning any parent of the year awards any time soon.
Make-up would be fun, though; I worked for Lancome in the 90's, and I'm a big ol' make-up ho who does liquid liner with a steady hand and a kick-ass smoky eye.
I need you to teach me how to do liquid liner.
Dear god, why am I up so early?
You have to get the teeth while the kids are still asleep.
Barb, if I have to take a job as the Tooth Fairy to make ends meet while writing, you are taking up a collection to fly me to the next RWA meeting to accompany you as the Motherfuckin' Muse Fairy.
I'll be on a panel, and I'll thwap people with a Nook:
"Here, your fucking writer's block is gone. Now you have a concussion. Getcha ass in the chair anyway, and write some shit. That scene needed a little hot blood anyway. Now, get the Muse some potato skins and a gimlet before I condemn you to a life of Mary Sues."
Happy birthday, Barb, from the Motherfuckin' Muse Fairy!
I worked from 5 til 7:30, then I went back to bed for 2 hours. That NEVER EVER happens -- like, end of days shit. I'd had a cup of coffee, too.
I dreamed of literally herding cats. In and out of a garage. Brain says, your stress, let me show you it...
How much do I love the Motherfuckin' Muse Fairy?! A whole helluva lot.
I have To Much To Do To to create a site about the MMF with a random inspirational quote generator, right?!
I have To Much To Do To to create a site about the MMF with a random inspirational quote generator, right?!
Your subconcious would like to know how to make the dream symbolism clearer.
Actually, in the herding dream, I was also trying to make my Great-Aunt Ruth a bloody mary in addition to herding the cats.
Most of the cats had fleas.
I don't even KNOW, now!
Perhaps your Great-Aunt Ruth represents the MFM Fairy. Your dreams can see the future!
Godammit, guys. Instead of typing "Commerce Bank" into my search box, I ended up with "drunk Commerce fairy" thanks to a quick search I did about 30 minutes ago.
Now the Drunk Commerce Fairy needs her own website where she expounds on how the world economy is going to hell.