Latin dancing seems to require fringe ... lots and lots of fringe.
And depending on the costume, not much else!
I saw a few of those this weekend-- one girl, who totally had the body for it, completely miscalculated the size of the briefs portion of her costume. Let's just say that butt cracks during a samba is not a good look.
Awesome Buffista tshirts including We Can Slay It and lots of Fringe shirts, including Walt and Belly's Cortexiphan and some other really fun ones from Fringe, Buffy, Arrested Development, etc.
Big Sexy Hair's Backcomb In A Can.
Seconded!! That shit is STRONG. Like, If I spray a small section of hair while holding it straight up, it will stay straight up.
Awesome t-shirts!
I honestly cannot tell the difference between the sounds of children playing in a sprinkler and children being murdered.
I must admit, I have heard the former, not the latter, so...
Maybe I would be able to tell... I just hope it never turns out I should have opened the curtains.
you get a sprinkler near me, I might run about and scream too.
So, I'm making a rhubarb crumble when I realize I don't have enough oatmeal for the crust. I hop in the car and head east to the grocery store. There's a black, black cloud to the west of me, wall cloud, my brain says. There's no wind, though, so I shrug and toodle on down the road to the grocery. I buy my oatmeal and a pack of gum and bip on out to the parking lot. Two guys are standing in the middle of the drive looking west. And lo, what to my wondering eyes should appear but a fucking funnel reaching about two-thirds of the way from the bottom of the cloud to the ground. Being only minorly wigged, I stand there with the other two dudes to see just what said funnel is going to do. After 2-3 minutes, it retracted itself mostly back into it's parent wall and continues to menace eastward with just the tip of the funnel protruding from the cloud. I had to drive west, under the fucker, to get home. Needless to say, I am minorly wigged and very glad that the storm is headed east and away from me.
So glad you're home safe, Sail.
I remember standing in the window of a high rise in Salt Lake City, watching a tornado on the ground go by and thinking, "It looks just like it does on the Discovery Channel." Did I think "OMG, get under a table away from the glass and the flying debris!"? No, not me, I was standing there like a yokel and staring at a force of destruction going past less than a block away.
Of course, behind me was a room full of oblivious people commenting idly that it sure sounded windy outside.