Glam, I like the Michelle Williams and the Freja Beha (which actually seem fairly similar, just one is more styled and the other more casual).
And in my hair news, Hec will no doubt be shuddering a bit, but I'm going to keep letting my hair grow out, also related to ballroom. It's actually at a great length for smooth (the classic ballroom dances) since I can pull it back into a low ponytail, pin it in a bun and then attach my pet hair to it to make it really full and elegant. (In an aside, I need to name my pet hair-- it sort of resembles a Tribble when removed.)
However, for Rhythm (i.e. the Latin dances) I want to wear it either in a long ponytail or half up/down and right now, the sides are too short to effectively pull across the way I want.
I could cut it short, but my hair type/texture would render that disastrous in terms of styling for the floor.
However, if anyone has any recommendations on product that will lacquer hair into a state that can withstand nuclear warfare, I'd be extremely interested. Flyaways and wispies are just Not Done in ballroom.
Elnette hairspray. Aveda Flax Seed Holding Gel. And if you want extra shine after you lacquer, Aveda Brilliant Spray-on Shine.
Erin, yes!!!! Almost an hour exactly from emailing off resume and cover to phone call for interview.
BTW, wear a short-sleeved shirt that's dark and won't show dirt, wear a casual blazer if you have one to the office (if you're transitioning from office inteview to job-site look-see, you can take it off)
I'll have to go look at my blazer collection. I do have a full suit I could probably wear with that shirt, and the pants might not even need ironing!
and take blotting papers for your face. Use a light layer of powder when you do your face, if you do such, but blotting papers will take off the sweat and grime shine without leaving you caked in makeup.
I'll probably do very minimal makeup, if any.
Okay, I have got to step away from the computer. Pinterest is sucking me in!
Almost an hour exactly from emailing off resume and cover to phone call for interview.
That's an awesome sign. LUCK!
And Glam, I like the Emma Watson pixie so very much for you!
Barb, why not name your pet hair "The Tribble"? Or, "Bunicula."
Ooooh... I like Bunicula. ::snicker::
However, if anyone has any recommendations on product that will lacquer hair into a state that can withstand nuclear warfare, I'd be extremely interested.
Texas governor Anne Richards' hair dresser used to say, "I rat the tar out of it, spray the hell out of it, I get it up there and defy gravity."
Wow, smonster. It almost sounds like they were sitting there waiting for your resume.
Go, smonster! I'll keep everything crossed for you.
Glam, I like the Emma Watson overgrown pixie a lot, too.
I had to bite the bullet and decline my assigned parking on campus for next year. With Scott "The Douchebag" Walker's invasive little grubby fingers riffling through my purse starting Aug. 25th, I had to take some drastic cuts to my lifestyle. The $85 I paid for parking every month will now go to paying (more) for my health insurance. Next up, deciding how many cable channels I want to hold onto, or hold onto cable at all.
Good luck, smonster!!!
Thanks for the hair feedback, people. I think I'm ready for a change. DW and I have pretty much the same haircut (done by the same stylist) and I'm sick of people thinking we're sisters. Disturbing!
However, if anyone has any recommendations on product that will lacquer hair into a state that can withstand nuclear warfare, I'd be extremely interested.
Big Sexy Hair's Backcomb In A Can. Stronger than my beloved AquaNet in the pink & white can.