I am a very allergic person.
As am I. Last time I got allergy tested (about ten years ago) I reacted to the fire ant venom ON THE SCRATCH TEST. I also react to most stinging insects and oh god, poison ivy, and N-9 and welll...StW informed me that the medical term is "atopic".
ISTG, it worked!!! Itching is 90% gone. Holy crap, this is like a miracle, for realz. I think the swelling has stopped getting worse, too! I was worried I might not be able to walk for a few days. I think I might have to get one of these things - [link]
bonny, maybe around 4 pm your time, or so? I'll set an alarm on my clock.
Ooooh! One vote for eating, one vote for ditching. What will P-C do? WHAT WILL HE DO?!?
I misread, thought you had it in the freezer. Go with what Steph said.
It's probably still good to eat, right?
If there's not "off" smell, I'd say it's fine. But I'd sniff it first. I'm sure it's fine unless it smells in any way weird to you. Humans are pretty evolved to figure out what will make us sick if we eat it. Usually.
It smells perfectly fine to me.
Ha! Tep and I don't immediately agree on something random about bodies.
The safe choice is to ditch. I'd smell, but if I had any question, then I'd ditch.
I remember learning the hair dryer trick from Steph when I had mysterious hives. It was pretty effective, except for the bit where I burned myself, so don't do that.
Ha! Tep and I don't immediately agree on something random about bodies.
After the Dubious Salmon Incident of 2006, I am quick to ditch seafood. (Although I will keep eggs for freaking ever. Not that it matters, since we go through them really quickly anyway.)