It's probably still good to eat, right?
If there's not "off" smell, I'd say it's fine. But I'd sniff it first. I'm sure it's fine unless it smells in any way weird to you. Humans are pretty evolved to figure out what will make us sick if we eat it. Usually.
It smells perfectly fine to me.
Ha! Tep and I don't immediately agree on something random about bodies.
The safe choice is to ditch. I'd smell, but if I had any question, then I'd ditch.
I remember learning the hair dryer trick from Steph when I had mysterious hives. It was pretty effective, except for the bit where I burned myself, so don't do that.
Ha! Tep and I don't immediately agree on something random about bodies.
After the Dubious Salmon Incident of 2006, I am quick to ditch seafood. (Although I will keep eggs for freaking ever. Not that it matters, since we go through them really quickly anyway.)
I am a very allergic person.
As am I.
We are special, fragile flowers. That itch. A lot.
It was pretty effective, except for the bit where I burned myself, so don't do that.
Oh, excellent advice. Also for sinus headaches where aiming a hairdryer at your head helps - REMOVE YOUR METAL EARRINGS FIRST.
I barely believe eggs go bad in the fridge.
But, yeah, once I get burned by something, I can be a lot more careful...
My grandmother's rule for things like that was "When in doubt, throw it out." But my other grandmother would just cut the moldy part off of things and eat the rest.
ION, tired. Back from a great if brief camping trip, and I'm happy to report that the dog is a champion camper. I'm expecting her to put in a formal request that we ditch this condo thing and just move into the forest full time.
Great food, gorgeous weather, though we did have one of the monsoon-style downpours we've been getting this summer at 5 this morning. Naturally, all three people instantly thought of things we urgently needed to make sure were covered so we all ended up soaked. But once we made it back to the tent it was so nice going back to sleep with the rain pounding down.
the ranger only had to come over and tell us to shut the hell up already one time, a personal best! Sigh.