smonster, do you have a webcam and microphone? Or just a webcam (you can use index cards to communicate.) Make and send her a vid about all the things you like and admire about her, and how much you love her.
Hmm. Yeah, I have a Mac. I was thinking about scanning some old photos... maybe I could just hold up the photos and talk about memories and stuff. Hmm.
you also could do a scavenger hunt around the internet leaving little clues and messages for her.
Today is my baby sis' 30th birthday, and she has no one to celebrate with.
You should watch a movie simultaneously that you both have or could Netflix Instant Watch and then talk and chat while you're both having popcorn.
Hec, I actually proposed something like that but she didn't seem too into it.
Gronk. I had a nap. Time to make dinner, I think.
Thank you, Connie! And I have the money to send you which I will do on Monday. Sorry it took so long--I suck.