Why do you need to maintain enthusiasm for a repative task. cleaning is not exciting = however , I clean the bathroom well , because it matters - not because it is exciting. The pages at the library do not find shelving exciting- some of them have been doing it for years, how ever it matters. It is critical to the basic function of the library.
I think expecting people to do a repetitive task all day, every day, every week is asking for them to end up NOT doing their best work possible.
Even with cleaning, I am guessing you don't clean for eight hours, most days of the week. And plenty of people will hire someone to clean for them. It's not a fun thing for most people.
It's important and it needs to be done but varying tasks and even setting jobs as really only something for a few years doesn't lack total sense.
Wishing you focus and clarity for your overwhelmedness, Beth, and a clear path through.
Catching up here tonight has made me smile.
Laura, you have my heart and all my good thoughts.
i've been at this job x amount of time- it takes up x amount of time, my own business has increased/ decreased due to factors x, y , z - what do I want to do now , in 3 months in 6 months in 1 year in 2 "
This is precisely what I was expecting.
After getting an hour of sleep, I have come to the conclusion that I need to sit down and explain what goes into each of the requested tasks. I think my friend simply does not understand, at the same time I'm sure she would LOVE to have all these problems just go away.
I can't blame her for that, but that does not mean I'm going to set myself up to fail. Not only would the problems NOT go away, but I would end up drooling in the corner.
The list can be broken down into admin, sales and executive tasks. Each category requires a different pay structure. (I read the employee handbook, there are no benefits.)
I will then outline the tasks that I would enjoy doing and then ask her to prioritize which of them she feels is most pressing.
I will commit to entering into a 3 month contract with extension options.
If the financing comes through for the super-huge expansion, I will negotiate for closing both of my shops and committing to her venture if it includes maintaining my brand. THAT project will be all-consuming so I will expect a percentage of ownership.
I feel fairly calm, despite being super tired and feeling a bit ooky.
I really, most sincerely appreciate all your input and support. I felt like my head might explode, but I feel pretty good now.
the other thing you likely have considered, but I do want to chime in here and say: is that perhaps after categorizing the groups of tasks, there is one particular group of tasks where she needs you to put out some fires. After you lay out all this stuff, perhaps you can talk with her about what her main priorities are - and how you can tackle this with the X hours a week you may be available.
This is a good point, le n. I'm going out this morning to put out a major fire.
I will do this in good faith, pre-contract. Namely an employee is leaving and defying a signed agreement to not compete (read: you can't pinch clients for 3 months). It is my job to shepherd that departure, orient the new hire and develop a retention pitch to the potentially lost clients.
The owner has never, up until now, used the legal protection of the document new hires agree to, and I think she is counting on me to provide muscle she does not have.
There are other fires but, again, in order to be successful with any, we need a coherent strategy for addressing them all.
Y'all, he wants to take my roommate out to have fun! He barely knows her! How ridic generous and sweet is that?
Very New Orleans! He embodies a lot of the awesomeness here.
OMG, I am so sick of being sick. I am pathetically excited about my house and sheets being clean so that I can be sick in a nicer environment. Also, my voice is completely gone from the coughing. Whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch.
OMG, I am so sick of being sick. I am pathetically excited about my house and sheets being clean so that I can be sick in a nicer environment. Also, my voice is completely gone from the coughing. Whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch.
Nora, speedy healing to you. Sickness sucks.
I was recounting my bout with pneumonia last year to a friend yesterday. I'm coming up on the one year, 'I didn't shuffle the mortal coil' anniversary.
That coughing/voice losing thing is exhausting. I'm glad your house is clean though. That always makes me feel like I might have the energy to go on.
Heck, just picking up the tissues makes me feel better!
Wishing you focus and clarity for your overwhelmedness, Beth, and a clear path through.
What she said.
Very New Orleans! He embodies a lot of the awesomeness here.
He really does.
Nora, feel better soon.
I'm off to sweat like hell in an un-conditioned warehouse in the LA summer!! Wheee!!! (It's possible that I'm not quite right)
Take it easy, smonster, heat index is supposed to be super high (around 110-115).