Y'all, he wants to take my roommate out to have fun! He barely knows her! How ridic generous and sweet is that?
Very New Orleans! He embodies a lot of the awesomeness here.
OMG, I am so sick of being sick. I am pathetically excited about my house and sheets being clean so that I can be sick in a nicer environment. Also, my voice is completely gone from the coughing. Whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch.
OMG, I am so sick of being sick. I am pathetically excited about my house and sheets being clean so that I can be sick in a nicer environment. Also, my voice is completely gone from the coughing. Whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch.
Nora, speedy healing to you. Sickness sucks.
I was recounting my bout with pneumonia last year to a friend yesterday. I'm coming up on the one year, 'I didn't shuffle the mortal coil' anniversary.
That coughing/voice losing thing is exhausting. I'm glad your house is clean though. That always makes me feel like I might have the energy to go on.
Heck, just picking up the tissues makes me feel better!
Wishing you focus and clarity for your overwhelmedness, Beth, and a clear path through.
What she said.
Very New Orleans! He embodies a lot of the awesomeness here.
He really does.
Nora, feel better soon.
I'm off to sweat like hell in an un-conditioned warehouse in the LA summer!! Wheee!!! (It's possible that I'm not quite right)
Take it easy, smonster, heat index is supposed to be super high (around 110-115).
Meanest mom in the world. Right here. Just FYI.
Meanest mom in the world. Right here. Just FYI.
Did you send your kid to camp minus all her sillybands because she was plagued by rudeness this morning?
Oh wait, that was me.
I said no movie until the other sleeping children i the room were awake.
TOtally mean!
No Sillybands? Doesn't that violate the Geneva Convention or something?