ION, let me all annoy you, and help myself by listing the shit I wanna do today while the coffee revivifies my brane.
Make chicken soup. It's a great day for it; it's 1030 here, and 47 degrees and sunny.
Laundry. Clean office. Go through mags and recycle. Straighten M's room, sweep and dust, and open the windows to air out for his visit Wed.
Scrub upstairs toilet and tub. Take picture of gas grill and send to that craigslist dude, to see if he'll barter it for hauling away the couch and chairs in my garage. (Please say yes, dude.)
Watch DVR's Supernatural ep. Make tiny apple crisp. Maybe start weeding that little patch -- if I start on it, then go to hardware store and get pansies, look at 3M picture hangers.
Ok, that's doable. It's mostly easy straighten-y stuff. Nothing's really filthy or hugely messy right now.