And! A parting note in my discharge "Please see your pain specialist because the ER is not a good way to manage chronic pain."
Oh, my fucking god! Upon further consideration, you are totally right. I will stop doing it this way ASAP, and get my life righted lickety split.
Man, if it weren't for some people, I'd still have problems. But, no more!
Oh, God, ita, what an utter nightmare. I don't understand what is wrong with these people. You make these regular visits, you're extremely well informed about your complex issues, and you have a lengthy history documented by a competent, reputable local doctor who can detail exactly what's been tried when and what works and doesn't, and I cannot for the life of me understand why these other people consistently cannot listen to and read the history and follow the damn instructions. It's just pointless cruelty to put you through the same stupid wringer every single time.
And! A parting note in my discharge "Please see your pain specialist because the ER is not a good way to manage chronic pain."
There is not enough fuck you in the world to respond to that.
What an asshole doctor. Sorry about the experience, ita. I hope you never have to deal with that medical "professional" again.
I have to leave for derby practice in an hour. We're having a guest coach and I suspect he is going to kick our asses.
Oh, ita, I'm so sorry. There's nothing right about any of that.
"Please see your pain specialist because the ER is not a good way to manage chronic pain."
Soup is simmering, beets are roasting. I'm trying to decide between carrot cake (no frosting or nuts, poss. pineapple) and apple cake. Maybe both!
Now I should put in the laundry. I guess I'm not going to the movies today.
"Please see your pain specialist because the ER is not a good way to manage chronic pain."
Fuck her.
I hope you get a better doctor next week.
Oh jesus, ita. So rageful on your behalf. Maybe if they ACTUALLY KNEW OF A BETTER OPTION THAT WORKED, that note wouldn't fucking enrage me.
Oh, my god, ita.
Does she really not think that if there were not a better way, you would not be up for doing it? A better way that's affordable? Dude. I wish I lived in LA.
I would read your file, study everything, and go with you to ER visits (I'd ignore you and let you read) just to be a snooty fucking bitch to anyone who pulled this kind of crap.
"Hello. I'm Ms. ---'s advocate; she's hired me (for you know, coffee drinks) because I understand there has been marked resistance quite a few time on the part of the medical staff here to administer prescribed therapeutic drug treatment, as per the written directions of her pain specialist. I am here to observe, record and advocate, as when she is in such dehabilitating pain from her chronic condition, it lowers her normally high verbal acuity, and impedes her ability to advocate successfully for herself.
Also? I am a stone bitch with near-perfect recall, and some writing instruments. Proceed with fucking caution."
My theory is that every damned doctor who is smug about some condition they have never had should instantly be inflicted with that condition for a month, to see how well they fucking deal with it.