making fundraising calls for the Lower 9th Village Community Center starting at 10. Tom's coming along, gonna check out the computer lab issues.
Awesome and awesomer. Yay Tom for getting roped in. Get Smitty over there, film their conversation, and send me the video, please.
Tonight, Tom's work is having a fundraiser at Rock & Bowl and then maybe we will catch a friend's son's show at Tipitina's (Free Admission Friday!)
The jealous tag never closes.
Liese, good luck in your transition.
Kathy, I'm glad you have some notice - I hope it's enough time to get you through school.
Two guys send a camera via weather balloon to record the blackness of space [link]
My weekend will involve grading, feh. I hope it also will involve catching up on sleep, but that's contingent on the first thing happening in a timely fashion.
Oh, and a kid's bday party. Nice family, should be fun.
Ignobel winners. Warning for mention of fruitbat fellatio. No, however, fruity Bat fellatio. In case you were wondering.
ugh. my eyeballs are killing me today. even had to take out my contacts and put on glasses when i got to work and i never do that. i'm assuming it's allergies since i'm also a snotty mess. go away, ragweed!!
My experience with that kind of transition is that the problem is usually I'm holding on to an idea of myself which is no longer viable.
Yeah, I think a lot of this. It's made more complex by the fact that it's music, which is of course strongly tied to identity. But the truth is, music is more a part of my life than ever before, and it has nothing to do with the paying lessons. And you know, even if I weren't able to identify as a musician at all, it would be meaningless to my value as a human being. Okay, brain imps? So calm down.
So, the preschool at Grattan looked at all our financial numbers for last year and this year, and looked at Emmett's birth certificate and calculated our payment based on a four member family in San Francisco and came up with this number: $20.20/day.
So for the 19 school days we've got in October it will be $383.80. Which is about a third of what we're currently paying for three days a week of preschool.
This includes lunch, and we'll also get an automatic entry into the kindergarten into one of the most sought after schools in the SF elementary school system.
A really nice break for us after a couple hard years.
I think my plan to ease Matilda into the transition is to spend some of that savings on bribing her way to happiness.
David, that is wonderful news!
Hot damn Hec, I think that qualifies as a YAY!
Excellent news on the school, Hec!