Whuzza? How? Whuzza?
As in, it's not automated. As in, I am the pagination elf. Putting in pages numbers, by hand, and keeping track on a logsheet that isn't integrated with the management software. A hundred papers a month, that have to be completed within six weeks from the time they hit my virtual desk. Aiee.
Had the second half of my interview today. Wish any two people would've given me the same answers. Wish I knew if, if offered the job, I should take it. ARGH.
I think I'm done with working for today. That's okay, right?
Only if I can be too!
Ignores the fact that my boss is here for the day)
I'm done, You're done, We're ALL DONE!
(unless you can)
OMG, it's sunny today after about two weeks of rain.
Too bad I slept through most of it. FINALLY got back to sleep at about 7:30. Weird dreams about...boat accidents. Bwuh?
Why am I getting spam that's word salad in German? Not only is it not trying to sell me anything, but it's not selling me anything in another language.
Sharing because I think it's interesting and we are already seeing small positive results - Part of why I decided to adjust my work schedule and come home was reading something from another adoptive parent about a strategy called 10/20/10. I think it is from a guy named Brian Post, but I could be wrong. Transitions are tough for most kids, but have been found to be especially hard for kids with attachment issues, doubly so if the transition involves moving from one adult (authority figure/companion) to another. The strategy is to spend 10 minutes first thing in the morning, 20 minutes when they get home from school (or parent gets home from work), and 10 minutes right at bedtime with one-on-one focused attention with one of the primary caregivers.
We've always done one-on-one quiet time at night, but I added the other two. This is just day 2. Mac, at this moment right now, is doing homework by his own choice with the babysitter while I am in my room working remotely.
I know it is not the only reason he is having a better day then we've had in 4-5 days, we saw his psychiatrist last night also. But I do think this method is helping him right now.
This day has gone so wrong, I don't even want to come into work tomorrow. But I will. I have no energy to do the community association meeting tonight. I hate missing it, but no way I can make it now.