who is ever going to use it for anything like that?!?1 no one. or crazy people.
If I had a room where I could hang shit to chop, I would chop shit with my giant-assed sword.
So, yeah, crazy people.
bacon chocolate bar is disturbing.
Mmm, good.
Noah makes me laugh.
Starlings are also highly entertaining. They mock my cats. They mob us in defense of their nest. I'm just sad their nestlings died, when I could have helped.I hate useless loss.
I just listened to Air and Simple Gifts since it's available on iTunes. That's an amazing piece of music.
Yeah, it's sad. I like the one's that nest under my neighbor's eaves. Never see the little ones, though.
Yeah, that is sad, sarameg. I had a nestling death in my nest box last year and I hadn`t even known I had nestlings so I couldn`t have helped.
In happier news. though,
Whoo Blackhawks! Moving on to conference finals! That should be a great series against deb`s Sharks.
I am so sad about
I love them based on the best jersey criteria.
K got a Blackhawks hat from the Winter Classic Game.
Ha! that sword video was hysterical. The Tie made it.
On food obsession: how it usually works with me is I will get fixated on something (usually some kind of comfort food, right now it is buttered noodles) but I won't manage to have it for a while so I will want it even more and feel like I could eat it constantly. When I finally do have some it is exactly what I wanted and I am sure I could eat it for every meal indefinitely, but by the next day I'm over it and it's just, like, another choice that's available.
Definitely went through that with salmon cakes a while back.
Awesome! Love the Winter Classics. And we call
Vancouver the rabid dolphins because of their logo. Hee.
I have nothing against the team, other than they`re playing my team. They feel differently about us, though!
what exactly is the occasion that one would need a giant ass sword?
Well, this thing IS a "room wrecker, a yard wrecker, a street wrecker."
So, you know, coke-fuled 80s metal band, pesky weeds, zombie apocalypse. Honestly, if Dubya had been "clearing brush" with that bastard I'd have liked him a little better.
they did mention putting it by your door. Maybe for the mormons?
Well, they
show up two at a time...
(Forgive me, God, oh forgive me. Going to hell now, leaving quietly...)
When he went out into the parking lot and started stabbing a water barrel I lost it completely. Just gonezers.
My latest obsession is sticky brown rice. So its Japanese short grain rice (nom) but its
so its good for me.