Someone asked about cookbooks back a ways - this one has the Hummingbird cake and also about 5 of my go-to recipes. I was given it as a gift and it has just been a really good one: [link]
Also wanted to give this one a plug for anyone trying to do more cooking with beans and grains: [link]
It's got bananas and pineapple in it, usually with a cream cheese frosting, but we won't frost this one.
I saw a hummingbird cake mix at the supermarket the other day. (We were stocking up on cake mixes, baking cakes has become somthing of a tasty hobby for Wallybee.) So their fame has reached Australia, it seems. I didn't get one, settled for a chocolate, a lemon and an English tea instead.
I need to start poking around for a good lemon cake recipe. I'm trying to decide if I want dense or light.
I'm glad hummingbird cake is not a poultry dish.
My mom loved her gnome slippers. She's so easy to please.
No actual hummingbirds were harmed in the production of this cake.
The gnome slippers are awesome, though! Who WOULDN'T love them.
girl wearing sock monkey slippers.
OH! and can I brag? Pose I was almost successful in at yoga today: [link] This is one I didn't do prepregnancy. Now if only I could recover the missing other poses, all would be rocking. But this one was fun.
I'm envious, Kat. Even at my most fit in yoga, my arm strength was terrible and I didn't have enough core strength for even a decent crow.
You've totally shamed me into checking the schedule for classes this week.
Kat, that's so cool! I can't imagine getting my limbs to all those positions simultaneously -- and then keeping them there!
Hmm. Perhaps I need to work on my flexibility.
core strength? not nearly enough. I worked my way into this pose through gravity and faith, mostly.