I burned a knuckle on the oven tonight. I also got stung by a bee on the butt once, when I was innocently minding my business looking through a surveyor's transit.
In re: yesterday's panic, I seem to NOT have poison ivy. Go me!
We also have re-established water to the upstairs bathroom for the first time since the Plumbing Fail of Easter weekend. Things were fairly catastrophic at 10pm yesterday, but we seem to be good now, except mr. flea thinks we need to replace the toilet seal since it dried out. Also I went to a "reserach yor historic house" seminar and learned that I can find my house on the insanely high quality 1946 aerial photos and figure out what kind of roof it had, and the application for a sewer hookup might, if I'm very lucky, include an original floorplan!
/possibly housedorkier than sara.
Damn, I thought maybe we were doing something fun Tuesday.
Hil, that's different than the usual run of bagel injuries.
Most of my injuries have been fairly dramatic (falling through a [condemned] pier etc.) Though I was just noticing that my big toenail is still fucked up from the stabbing incident last year.
Vortex: got a cut on her hand from my corset lacing while trying to lace me into my corset at the F2F in Seattle!
well, less of a cut and more of a rubbing off of top layer of skin. And since I'd been drinking for several hours, it took me a while to notice.
Well, I'm not convinced the smell came out in the wash. Hopefully, the dryer will work its desmokeifying magic.
Huh. When it comes to America's Cup yacht racing, Great Britian's non-winning-streak is much worse than the Cubs.
Back on, the 159 year old grudge match
Fan blade slices: [link] Dhow deep tissue bruise that left my thigh dented for years: [link] Moving. Cardboard box papercut
to my elbow
that you can still see, 14 years later. Carving up my knuckle with a glass that broke as I washed it. Glass in the foot while wading in Mnnpls.
Too many stupid injuries to list, none of them particularly buffista-esque. Though, I think one of the stupidest was when I fell and strained my rotator cuff after a yoga class.
Me: Hit head on desk by bed while sleeping.
I have a fairly big scar on my leg from when I was four - I cut it while squeezing between a swather and the wall of a machine shed.
So that's really my weirdest scar. But I just had to share that
swathers can kill.
(And that swather is so a word, despite what the Firefox spell-check says.)
This takes extreme nerve on BPs part. Note - do not follow the link if you don't want to be enraged. [link]