Jessica, yikes! Hope it heals quickly.
But getting it up the basement stairs of death, and then up the insanely steep stairs to the Storage Room? Not worth it.
Maybe hire a couple of college students? $20 each and a six-pack might do it.
Today has not quite been as awesomely productive as yesterday, but I'm trying to just keep starting. Dinner is ready to go in the oven - tilapia baked with garlic and olive oil and roasted asparagus. That will be my reward for reading old performance reviews in
prep for redoing my resume.
It's too yuck to bake anything, but I am at least eating leftovers for dinner.
also listing more on ebay - 2 things so far.
Ouch, Jessica! Don't do that!
The problem was the cups, so nsm with altering doing much good. It was very evident I just have an unusual shape. And am a pickymcpickerson in that I don't want pointy boobs.
It's toasty. If I didn't expect the temps to drop to more seasonal ones, I might be hauling at least the bedroom ac up. But I think I can hold out. If necessary, can sleep downstairs tonight.
And am a pickymcpickerson in that I don't want pointy boobs.
That's not picky, that's right thinking.
Insult to injury to Boston, this week is National Drinking Water week: [link] I found this out because they've hung some old pictures of the construction of the Loch Raven reservoir and the Montebello treatment facility on the fence around the lake (lake is part of water treatment facility, been in operation since 1912 or 14, and the buildings are gorgeous.)
I'd love a bra that would put my boobs back up where they're supposed to be, but I fear it ain't gonna happen. The cantilever system necessary to support them without killing me would probably involve steel and winches.
I never realized how invaluable my left thumb was for iPhone typing until now! I was relieved it wasn't my right until I realized that I've lost my Tweeting thumb!
Sheesh! Scary polish injuries! You people did not warn me about the dangers when you sucked me in. I discovered that my Kmart stocks OPI, so I bought an OPI Red which is, indeed perfectly red. But all their bottles had little scrape marks on them so I am afeared. Looked great, though.
Today we had Snowpocalypse: just when you thought it was safe. AND I had to help my guitarist/lead vocalist with a cold move. I barely found my way there because all the signs were completely covered with snow. However, I made it there and to the grocery and am now safely at home with a Starbucks dark cherry mocha to reward me for my good work.
Yikes, Jessica! I'm glad it wasn't worse, but I'd never have expected to end up in the ER from trying to open nail polish. It's a very Buffista injury, that.
Yikes, Jess! I hope that heals up quickly.
I am taking a break from organizing. Plastic storage bins are my new best friends.