Fucking hell! I just got a splinter under my fingernail.
I'm not particularly accident prone, but I will go through periods where I accumulate finger dings and now is one of those times.
Right Ring Finger: splinter. Got it reaching for the cord of my phone charger dangling along the wooden wall.
Right Fore Finger: sharp jab from furniture staple (enough to draw blood and make it uncomfortable to type). Gotten when I reached under a couch at Reno for Matilda's socks.
Left Fore Finger: hangnail yanked to the quick.
Oh well, at least I haven't gotten a burn or manilla folder cut lately.
::knocks wood::
My issue with the author on TDS last night, and others who are obsessing about the deficit right now, is that they're ignoring the lesson of 1937, when FDR decided to listen to the deficit worriers and cut back on federal spending.
This is why I think the vote is out on Obama, at least for me, he's not in a position to do anything about the deficit due to the economy and military commitments.
I do get frustrated with people who suddenly started caring about deficit spending when Obama got elected.
Ouch Hec, I hope the fingers stop getting beat up.
I do get frustrated with people who suddenly started caring about deficit spending when Obama got elected.
Oh yes. They trigger the SMONSTER SMASH reflex.
Hec, I hate it when those things come in clusters, as they often seem to. I hope your unlucky streak ends here.
We were talking yesterday about tasting/seasoning food as you go, right? I should have done that with the mushroom turnovers I made! I just ate one, and it was delicious, but would have been even more delicious with more salt in the filling.
::knocks wood::
Yeah, you might want to do that very carefully.
I think one of the puppies is nursing on Mom's knee!
Unfortunately, the only response I've got for newly minted deficit hawks is something sensible like "Nuh uh...Krugman *said*, but it's true, he did.
But unfortunately, around here, the people I'm fighting with aren't impressed with the thoughts of a New York Jew. Although quite a few of them rock my socks on a weekly basis, not to sound like Jon Gosselin or anything.
OMG, Robert Parker died: [link] It is not a good day for my childhood.
NO!!!!!! I am Jesse- I am seriously bummed about Robert Parker.
I wish Kate's Mystery Books was still open, I'd pilgrimage there this evening.