Fast-recovery~ma for your mother, Epic.
Merry Christmas to y'all what celebrates such and a pleasant day off in the (legal) activity of your choice to them that don't.
Hil, I like the thought that Lobster Thermidor was so exotic it was the specialty of so many restaurants. Makes you wonder if any of the places still exist and if it's still on the menu.
Jessica, tell Dylan he can celebrate them as long as he does all the cooking and cleaning for them.
Hil, I like the thought that Lobster Thermidor was so exotic it was the specialty of so many restaurants. Makes you wonder if any of the places still exist and if it's still on the menu.
There were a few restaurants that I recognized as still around, or just closed within the past few years.
So much ~ma to your mother, Epic, and lots of calm and coping to you.
Peace, goodwill, and joy to everyone (all good things to have, no matter what you celebrate or don't).
Jessica, tell Dylan he can celebrate them as long as he does all the cooking and cleaning for them.
He really should get right on that. More feasting is always good.
And, Hil, so what's in the 1910 vegetarian cookbook? I had no idea any such thing existed. What a great find on your sister's part!
Warmest wishes for contentment and satisfaction to all. Today, and every day.
It's so lovely to be warm and comfortable. I'm getting ready to cook a 20lb turkey...part for me, more for pooch stew. Various other dishes may ensue.
It would appear that my grand plan to mosey down to the Botanical Garden later will be scotched by the rain. I love this little tradition of mine. The exhibits are so beautiful. There are visitors from all over the world to chat with and it's waaaarrrrmmm. But, honestly, I'm so comfortable right now, I don't imagine I will miss it.
I might screen Untamed Heart while cooking. It's a guilty pleasure.
"Magic records and a baboon heart. Pretty soon, you're gonna have me believin' it."
Because it deserves its own post...
Epic, every possible vibe for minor physical, and major life-change, impact incident fallout for your mom.
And peace to your heart.
(((((Epic))))) So much health-ma to your mom.
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! And happy day to all!
Jilli, I just wrapped our cousin's birthday gift in a black bag with a bright pink bow and was thinking of you.
what's in the 1910 vegetarian cookbook? I had no idea any such thing existed.
Apparently there was a vegetarian society back in in the mid-1800s. [link] And Kellogg was a big proponent of vegetarianism at the turn of the century. [link] I bet they put together some cookbooks.
Sherlock Holmes mentions a vegetarian restaurant in London in one of the stories.
Presents are opened! I got a compost crock, a bat house, and Life On Mars UK. Plus part of a goat from Heifer International. Yay!