Miracleman! ::tacklehugs::
I'm not currently watching kids' shows, so I can't really comment on that phenomenon. I am reminded of Michael Rosenbaum's mien before he left Smallville, though being Lex he didn't have to sing or beam. Mostly he just looked really effing bored.
Does anyone else feel seriously embarrassed for the twenty-somethings that end up being cast on kids' shows? It's horrific!
There's no way it's as bad as working as a nanny during the heyday of the purple dinosaur. For a two-year-old who refused to be potty trained.
Mostly he just looked really effing bored.
There's only so many times you can say, "My daddy issues, let me show you them," convincingly.
What is Michael Rosenbaum doing now? He might be less bored, but I hope he's no less solvent. He is sadly less visible.
Vortex, why couldn't she have left the gift at her place so that you could get it when you watered the plants.
Because I'm not supposed to water the plants until the 29th, and I'm leaving for Christmas on the 24th. I didn't want to commit to a special trip just to pick up the gift. If the roads had been normal, fine, but I am trying to stay off of the road unless it's really necessary.
Calling all mOrning, has she? Sounds like someone needs a dose of "Mom, this is 2009. I have caller ID, and I missed the first one. You called twice. Is twice your definition of all morning or do we need to talk to a doctor?"
Thanks for the well-wishes! Think of us come noon - yikes! Will post pics, of course :)