I suddenly want to ask for ~ma for my pal Christ.
From what I read so far, with a quiz on the New Testament I'll have this Wed., I thought he was the one to deliver the ~mas, and you just have to believe or something. Please correct me if I'm wrong, this shit will effect my grade.
I thought of something last night, wrt to discussion on praying (mind that I haven't read it all yet, so I apologize if I'm repeating something that has been said better by others). I thought of the difference between "meaningful" and "real", and how despite they're different things, I aspire to lead a life in which these terms are congruential to each other as possible; Paying the bills might not be very meaningful, yet it is a very real action that, if not taken, might lead to meaningful results on my way of life (me lurvs electricity: it allows me to use the computer to get to you guys). At the same sense, I realize that what is meaningful for me isn't always real: from Teenage-esque crushed on which every look from the guy looks meaningful but it's all in my head, to praying. I think that just as much that I want that my mundane, real, actions would be meaningful (that's why I always try to take a job at information management at organizations that Do Good), I also want that my meaningful actions would be real towards others.
Did that make sense?
Now, I'm kind of pissed off on a girl who's trying to use me to get a good grade. At first I thought I might be overreacting and thought of asking you guys, but then she slipped something between the lines.
Here's what happened: last semester I met her 2-3 times when she asked for help in a final. I need to clarify that she's not a friend, she just asked for help and I agreed. I should also state that this counts as a very easy final, and I think that the average in it is 79-83. Personally, I never gave it more than several hours of studying, which were only dedicated to general rehearsal. Also, the lecturer who gave that class was the dear soul who understood how to teach me better than all, and let me a lot of space and minimal guidance to research topics myself, and always promoted me. But she had very good reasons not to be there, and I spent 4-5 hours explaining the material to her, where and what to look for, etc..
Last night she called me, said it was urgent and asked me if I took out the exam notebook (they sometimes let us do that). I told her I didn't, which I really haven't done. She then asked me to go to the secretariat and ask them if they can give it to me, and give it to her. That sounded suspicious. She, apparently, got another chance passing this class with a paper. From last year I remember she wasn't very keen on studying: in fact, the reason she didn't study enough for her final is that she chose to spend it with her boyfriend. I'm no judge, but dammit, she could have done this test easily by studying to it for 5 hours and not for 30 minutes that night.
She called me again today and asked me about it. I told her I didn't do it yet, and reminded her that my handwriting is terrible and that's why she didn't take my summaries and we had to sit together on the material. She replied that she knows, but she'll manage, and besides, "he wasn't so clear on the bibliography...". That's when I realized what she was up to. As I told her again, he duly wrote said "missing" bibliography in the end of every presentation, and was very glad and helpful with questions regarding to everything, sources to general background. Also, one doesn't need more than the general knowledge on 4-5 items to pass that test. So I think she's trying to copy my answers, which is very, very stupid thing to do. For once, we're very, very different in our ways of studying. We also study different classes, and that's the only one we had in common so we have different backgrounds. And second, it's a class of 40 people. I was the only student in both of the classes he taught, both small classes, and again, we had a strong bond; I'm quite sure he knows how to recognize my writing and ideas. (continued...)