trust me, this is an easy exam. I believe that the efforts she invested in trying to get out of it by far were far beyond the efforts she should have invested in just studying for it like the rest of the normal people are doing.
Ha! This is true so often.
shir: sounds totally and completely fishy, like she's trying to cheat off you.
IOmeN: is there a reason that my foot hurts like blinding agony whenever i lie down? Just to keep me from sleeping? Vicodin isn't working for more than 4 hours of the night, then...agony. I wake up, take another vicodin, then try to sleep but nothing but pain as long as i stay horizontal. I've broken my foot many times before and this is highly unusual and unexpected. I would really like to get re-aquainted with sleep. I is tired and cranky.
psst. Erin = Dr. House. Past it on.
Shir, that definitely sounds like the other student is up to something. You are not over-reacting.
The student sounds like a cheater to me.
I had ambitions of a lot of cleaning, it has progressed , but very slowly
I'm sorry, erin. That sounds really annoying. I wish I had some suggestions, but I'm afraid I've got nothin'.
Best Buy is on The List. Purchased sale laptop for work. Dude said it would be on the Sunday truck. So ticket is for pickup. I get here today to pick it up. Customer Service says sale items are not restocked. And since there is no item to return, they can't cancel the order. I've been @ CS counter for almost an hour now. Dude is real nice. But can't help.
But can't help.
You purchased an item at their listed price. Saleman told you to pick it up when it comes in. I don't see how they can't help. They simply need to give you the laptop (or one similar) since you've paid for it and was told to pick it up.
erin, I also found that vicodin only helped for 4 hours or so, forcing me to either take another dose in the middle of the night or come up with an alternate solution. Are there other painkillers you can try, like naproxen or ibuprophen?
How are you doing, Burrell?