Heh. Every single thing you write about your mom makes me like her more.
Having met her, I can testify to her awesomeness. Lots of ma, erika.
I am digging that dress, Aims. I can totally see you rocking it.
Cutie Dylan! And Jess, your hair has gotten so long!
I made it to KBD's through spitting sleet. No assholes on the road, which was nice.
What, no assholes? No one in a 4x4 trying to go normal freeway speeds? Inconceivable!
I'm glad you made it!
I set out in sleet one time and regretted it when it turned to an ice storm. My car looked glazed when I finally got off the road.
On the other hand? Some winters when it's completely iced over and no travel is advised, it seems like they could just declare "If you can comprehend this alert, stay off the road."
Sure, there would be a few innocents, but the vast majority would be asses and drunk drivers, so hey.
On yet another hand, one time, about 1996 I believe, I made it 30 miles to work on a freeway that was covered in 1/2 inch of ice. I was the only one who made it to work.
I can make no claim to sound judgment there.
Hee. I don't suppose there's a link to the sexy dancing?
Um, there's a tab open with it still...
Glad you made it to KBD's safely.
What, no assholes? No one in a 4x4 trying to go normal freeway speeds? Inconceivable!
I know, right? Everyone driving well below the speed limit. I saw one car that had spun out on an exit, but that was it.
KBD is singing Pearl Jam's "Jeremy" like Frank Sinatra.
erika, my friend from college has an extreme fear of clowns. In college she almost wrecked her car because she saw a clown driving past her on the freeway in full gear.
The last time she and I went to NYC, our hostess had found this SCARY ASS clown doll and placed him in the shower. We joked around all weekend with that freaky thing. Fortunately, M wasn't traumatized and has a good sense of humor.
Aww, Dylan is getting to be a big boy too!
I think Mom is afraid of clowns because she was a shy child whom people tried to draw out more than floppy-shoe trauma.
health ma~~~ for you mom, erika
erika, my friend from college has an extreme fear of clowns. In college she almost wrecked her car because she saw a clown driving past her on the freeway in full gear.
At least he was obvious. So many undercover clowns on the freeway...
My mother called me to tell me that she bought me a cookbook for Chanukah, but she started reading through it and really liked it, so she's keeping it for herself, but she's going to cook me stuff from it.