I did it! [eta: I tried to do the hands over head victory thing, but failed] I caught up in bitches!!! Woot! Between mom visiting and work, I've been very behind. Since I was catching up on 3 computers and an iPhone, it is impossible to do the new tab thingy to save the post that you want to comment on. I'm going to miss some things, but rest assured, hair pats, high fives and brackets all around.
SJ- place for wedding looks great. Sorry to hear DH2b was in an accident. Sounds suspicious with the same passenger and all.
Spidra, are you down here in LA area now?
MM how did the interview go? I was pulling for ya!
Gris, congrats! Enjoy the honeymoon!
Fuck cancer!
Trudy, congrats on the student loans. Feels good, huh? I celebrated taking family out for pizza & beer, as that is a very appropriate college dinner. Looks like you are going for the pizza part at least!
Teppy, tons of virtual hugs (not the real kind, since I recall you not a fan). Your emotions are what they are. Don't apologize. You are going through a rough time right now. If folks can't understand that, then fuck em! Oh, and I hopes the friends a/c units work out!
Sean, yay for check! Freelance is not my bag either. The only way I could do it, is if I started off with about 6 months to a year of expenses in the bank. Then the freelance pay just restocks that. Otherwise, my ulcer would re-emerge, and I'd not be a happy camper. Plus, benefits. oy.
Oh, Sean, FYI, my old job has an opening in sound. Maybe see if you can run board for shows until they hire a full time person. Money is money, right? just an idea.
SHIR! Damn, I missed Shir. :: sigh :: It happens. :: kicks dirt ::
There was more. Dang it. But it was like 800-1000 posts. Sorry. Can't recall it all.