Also, I unpacked two more boxes, and I put all of my winter clothes into under-bed boxes, which cleared room in my closet for me to empty another suitcase. I didn't empty that suitcase yet, but once I do, I'll put the suitcase in the basement (or on the top shelf of the closet), and then there will be enough floor space for me to assemble my armoire, which arrived today. And then when that's assembled, I'll be able to empty the last suitcase.
Oh, and someone who I knew as an undergrad -- he was also a math major, and graduated the same year as me, and if anyone happens to remember that totally scary yet no injuries car accident I was in my senior year, he was the one driving -- is also working at this university, in the math department, so I stopped by to say hi to him. That was nice. Found out that he lives in the same town as me, too.