The Mayor is taking some MAJOR happy juice. He is a totally different person, and may not actually change into a giant snake and eat us all.
I did hire R., since she is the supervisor for two of the other hires, so AWKWARD, but she is, shall we say VERY STRATEGICALLY PLACED. There will be no shenanigans this year.
I just went shopping. Tried on a bunch of stuff, but none of it really fit right. Also realized, yet again, that clothing sizing is really weird. I tried on a pair of pants in a 12, and they were way too big. Tried on the same pants in a 12 petite, and they were way too small. So I guess that, in that brand, I wear a 10 if I'm shopping in the regular section, but a 14 if I'm shopping in the petite section.
I did buy some shoes, however. Two pairs. They're the kind with sneaker soles that look like Mary Janes on top, and I tried it out, and I can wear my brace with them. One pair is black with purple trim, and the other is brown with pink trim. The brown and pink ones have some sequins that make them a bit too sparkly for my taste, but it looks like the sequins will be simple to remove. (Good thing about kids shoe department: cheap shoes with no heels, designed for people who will be running around a lot, so there are plenty of dressy-looking shoes with sneaker bases. Bad thing about kids shoe department: everything has sparkles.)
Ah. I'll high five you anyway.
He was, like, MELLOW. He bought a fucking Prius. And loves it. Idek.
He's either having really great sex, or he had a near-death experience. Or he's a pod.
I did it!
[eta: I tried to do the hands over head victory thing, but failed]
I caught up in bitches!!! Woot! Between mom visiting and work, I've been very behind. Since I was catching up on 3 computers and an iPhone, it is impossible to do the new tab thingy to save the post that you want to comment on. I'm going to miss some things, but rest assured, hair pats, high fives and brackets all around.
SJ- place for wedding looks great. Sorry to hear DH2b was in an accident. Sounds suspicious with the same passenger and all.
Spidra, are you down here in LA area now?
MM how did the interview go? I was pulling for ya!
Gris, congrats! Enjoy the honeymoon!
Fuck cancer!
Trudy, congrats on the student loans. Feels good, huh? I celebrated taking family out for pizza & beer, as that is a very appropriate college dinner. Looks like you are going for the pizza part at least!
Teppy, tons of virtual hugs (not the real kind, since I recall you not a fan). Your emotions are what they are. Don't apologize. You are going through a rough time right now. If folks can't understand that, then fuck em! Oh, and I hopes the friends a/c units work out!
Sean, yay for check! Freelance is not my bag either. The only way I could do it, is if I started off with about 6 months to a year of expenses in the bank. Then the freelance pay just restocks that. Otherwise, my ulcer would re-emerge, and I'd not be a happy camper. Plus, benefits. oy.
Oh, Sean, FYI, my old job has an opening in sound. Maybe see if you can run board for shows until they hire a full time person. Money is money, right? just an idea.
SHIR! Damn, I missed Shir. :: sigh :: It happens. :: kicks dirt ::
There was more. Dang it. But it was like 800-1000 posts. Sorry. Can't recall it all.
Omnis, yes I'm in the LA metroplex for the time being.
Also, I unpacked two more boxes, and I put all of my winter clothes into under-bed boxes, which cleared room in my closet for me to empty another suitcase. I didn't empty that suitcase yet, but once I do, I'll put the suitcase in the basement (or on the top shelf of the closet), and then there will be enough floor space for me to assemble my armoire, which arrived today. And then when that's assembled, I'll be able to empty the last suitcase.
Oh, and someone who I knew as an undergrad -- he was also a math major, and graduated the same year as me, and if anyone happens to remember that totally scary yet no injuries car accident I was in my senior year, he was the one driving -- is also working at this university, in the math department, so I stopped by to say hi to him. That was nice. Found out that he lives in the same town as me, too.
Okay, I have a pressing bitchmind question. Which is the hotter of these two actors who are often mistaken for each other: Matthew Morrison [link] or James Badge Dale [link]
Totally Matthew Morrison.