I recommend trying not to overthink or stress out about the elopement- pretty much nullifies the whole point of the thing... You can always do the Jon and FAQ Wife special- hit the city hall and have an awesome dinner afterward!
I don't think I know how to do anything without overthinking and overstressing. I should learn that skill someday.
Well, the point of it is to make YOU happy. AMIRITE?
Yeah, that was sarcasm. I am happy.
Hugs to you and the Boy, Tep. As I said, call or email if you want to talk.
sj, I know it can be overwhelming, even though it's also happy-making. Hang in there.
I'm glad she's home for however long she has, Tep. Love to you all.
Good luck with minimizing the stress and maximizing the happy, sj
SJ, I speak for myself and the handful of other 'ffistas who have the power. I'd be happy to marry you two. Just an idea. C'mon out to SoCal.
{{{ Teppy & Boy & Family }}}
ION- Baby Shower is done. I didn't win the dirty diaper game. Thankfully. But. um. I kinda got digits from one of the gals at the party So? This is were I'm bad. How long do I wait before calling? Would a text be ok? "Great chatting at the party. Here is my number"?
Omnis, that sounds awesome, but I think we're going to stick to New England. The idea of traveling to SoCal is still a bit painful to me. Everything there reminds me of a friend that passed away a few years back.
I understand. Just an idea. Is there any Buffistas in NE that can officiate?
Steph, I'm about one step removed from being in the same situation right now, and all I can say is, well, it sucks and a lot of it is just not knowing from one moment to the next what's the right thing or what the hell is going on. I think you have to go with whatever you will not regret. Follow those loving impulses. And I'm so sorry you are going through this.
Raising my officiant hand!
DC is a lovely place to get married and it is easily accessible to all things on the eastern edge. I'd be thrilled to marry you sj. Perhaps on the deck of the Kennedy Center, overlooking the Potomac. You could then have a lovely dinner on the Waterfront, or in Georgetown and stay at one of the boutique hotels.
I still love my neighbor, Gene Weingarten's deal with his daughter. Elope? $25,000 in cash. Wedding? He'll come.
Steph, I am so sorry. I am sending you and The Boy love and strength.
Gene Weingarten's deal with his daughter. Elope? $25,000 in cash. Wedding? He'll come.
I like that deal. Too bad there's nobody with the moolah to make it to me.