he said "You could bring Ava!" (That is his name when he's cross-dressed.)
YES. THIS. I would totally love it if someone brought a cross dressed date to my wedding. As a matter of fact, there will be at least one drag queen. She will be doing my hair.
Ugh. I picked up ND from the doctors office today, and got to see him and his staples. Pix was on her way to pick up Barb, and I had to come back to Burbank to walk and pet sit my friends' beagle. I was going to back and see Pix and meet Barb, but since I got here, I've been feeling gassy and crampy, and now I'm all refluxy. I took a half-assed nap, and had some antacid, but I still feel borderline pukey.
Or I vote for the Old Spice Man clad in towel, making tea, listening to me bitch, and then saying crazy things about what we will do to my boss and how he will make me feel better.
We need to have him read smites aloud. This would make them infinitely more satisfying.
Dear Stomach of Sean:
Thanks awfully,
Sean, I think we got different strains of the same bug. Although, I did come home, take another dayquil, eat a small dinner, and pass out. Feeling a bit better, but the drip is still there, and hard to swallow.
ION- I'm watching the Interpreter with Nicole Kidman. She has this hair style that drapes in front of one eye sometimes. And the edits are annoying me because second tuft of hair in her eyes. Next second, behind her ear. Next second, back in her face. I just want to take some shears and trim those few bangs!
That was my father, Erin. Rocking it at age 70-odd. For some reason both my parents dressed West African for that wedding, without consulting each other...my mother was just more colourful.
Sean and Omnis, I hope you're both feeling better soon.
I can't sleep and am just feeling generally lousy.
And you were slinky!
They look fabulous. You all do.
Your father is always so dashing, ita.
Barb! Dudes, Barb is in LA. Must meet up with her!