Check the hole at the neck, WindSparrow. The neck and other parts might be shoved in there. I don't know about the plastic.
Successfully got my hair cut! I think I like it. Above the shoulder in front, completely off my neck, one length but with the bottom "texturized" so it's not all triangular.
Thanks, -t. I found a link that indicated the plastic thingy was a truss, and was ok to be cooked with the bird.
A cousin, who is only 5 years older than me, passed away this morning. He had skin cancer that spread into his lungs. His mom's parents both died of the same thing. My poor aunt.
I'm so sorry for you and your family, especially his parents and siblings.
When my mom came out to visit this summer, she told me that one of her cousin's sons, who was born the same month as me, has terminal cancer (I think of the esophagus, or maybe the throat) and isn't expected to last out the year. I haven't seen him since family reunions we would have back in the 70s and couldn't ID him on sight, but it was still a shock to think of someone my age dying of cancer.
it still sucks
It certainly does. Your poor aunt, ChiKat, what a blow.
How awful to lose your parents to something, learn that your child has it, and lose him to it, too. Much peace to your aunt, ChiKat.
Oh! WHY!?! Why do I have to have morals?!? We (the theater) purchased new wireless mics, and the manufacturer has a rebate program. They send the check made out to ME, not the theater! also, it's a POST CARD. A check. Postcard. How messed up is that?
First time turkey-cooking hivemind question: Ok, so I thought roasting a turkey was the same as roasting a chicken, only it takes longer. Turns out, some of the details are slightly different. For instance, frozen chickens are not usually collared together with a plastic thingy. The plastic thingy seems to be embedded into the turkey, so am I meant to take it out before cooking, or is it ok to leave it in there? Also, I found the packet, which I assume is the gibblets, and have removed it from the bird, but are there any other bits of bird that need to go away before roasting commences?
Plastic thingy is okay, you can remove it before you serve
Once you have the giblet package, also check to see if the neck is in the cavity. If it is, remove it. You can use it and the giblets to make stock for the gravy.
Chocolate cheesecake is in the oven, hazelnuts are toasting for the sweet potato hazelnut bars that I'll make a little later.
ChiKat, I'm very sorry. It is awful.
Chocolate cheesecake is in the oven
Can I come over?
And. Ladies and gentlemen, after a long absence from my work week, I'm proud, honored and excited to have a full 7 hours night sleep, tonight! Bed, here I come!