The semi-colon is the Morrissey of punctuation.
Please. The semi-colon is the Audrey Hepburn of punctuation.
'War Stories'
The semi-colon is the Morrissey of punctuation.
Please. The semi-colon is the Audrey Hepburn of punctuation.
Nuh-uh. It's more the Jim Morrison in his prime of punctuation.
But Ple will always be the interrobang of punctuation.
Man, I don't understand people against the serial comma. It can only help and never hurt. Haters to the left.
Nuh-uh. It's more the Jim Morrison in his prime of punctuation.
The serial comma or the semi-colon?
Haters to the left.
Ladies, form a line to my left for makeouts! Dudes, form a line to my right for high fives!
Man, I don't understand people against the serial comma. It can only help and never hurt. Haters to the left.
Because it's not necessary in most instances and slows down the sentence. I'm against unnecessary punctuation. If you need that last comma to make the series clear, then by all means. If not - do not. You can't just go making up whackass Prescriptivist rules to hang drop earrings all over your sentence. No wait - you can! That's why they're whackass.
The rule is - and should be - use the comma only as necessary.
The serial comma or the semi-colon?
Your parents, God and Ayn Rand, clearly warped you as a child, David.
The rule is - and should be - use the comma only as necessary.
That's not a rule; that's a recipe for disaster. The serial comma provides consistency.