Wow ita, that's a big change to consider. How does one do a multinational job search?
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
I just need to be employed there too, and I don't even know if there's a BA market there!
Just to see what would come up I googled 'Business Analyst jobs in Jamaica' and a few came up including this one
Where one of the qualifications is a:
"Bachelor's degree in Rosiness, Finance, Information Systems or related discipline from a recognized tertiary institution."
What in the world is "Rosiness?" And what's a "tertiary institution?"
Either it's a typo for business, or this is one optimistic, always-look-at-the-bright-side company.
And what's a "tertiary institution?"
Basically, a college or a university. In many (most?) Commonwealth countries, school education runs you through primary school (elementary) and secondary school (high). Education post-secondary, of course, is tertiary.
or this is one optimistic, always-look-at-the-bright-side company.
Or racist/shadist?
The plan would be to amass some money so I start do another job search here, but it's all very nebulous. Any move is a big move.
Ahhh! That makes perfect sense.
How was seeing Colin?
That's happening tomorrow.
When are we going shooting? A Saturday morning before my meds would be convenient for me.
Oh yeah, shooting! Um, this weekend is no good, I am going out of town. But after that I am pretty open. Finally. Been busy busy for weeks.
we may not have a need for this thread anymore. With nothing bringing new people to the board, maybe not many lurkers anymore. I would doubt any new ones.