YESSSS Laura birthday party in FL. I wants it, precioussss.
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Woo! This clearly needs to happen.
So far as I know we will be around unless I seek snow that week, Pix.
Connecticut has snow! And my guest room!
This seasonal thread is now closed. See you next year!
It's 2014, kids. Come on out of the wood work!
Yeah! I feel like I'm delurking from myself, so why not come in here too!
Olly olly oxanfree! (however that's spelled)
Pretty lurky these days so here's an update:
Lost my apartment and am crashing with a series of wonderful friends while I temp and job hunt (landlords don't like giving leases to temps -reasonable enough on their part). It's taking longer than expected, but doesn't it always?
If you know of a legal secretary, executive assistant, television, or theatre administration job in NYC profile addy is good 😄
You're all in my heart xoxo
Trudy, good luck with the job and apartment hunts.
I'm about to be where Trudy is, but I haven't decided if I'll go back to Jamaica for a while. My parents could stand to be taken care of for a while, and my sister is doing it all by herself. I just need to be employed there too, and I don't even know if there's a BA market there!