Really? We're closing out the delurking thread by bickering about cats and baseball?
Actually, that's kind of fitting. Carry on.
Really? We're closing out the delurking thread by bickering about cats and baseball?
Actually, that's kind of fitting. Carry on.
ISTG if I have to hear about the MFY one more time I'm getting a divorce. BASEBALL LEADS TO DIVORCE.
Yeah, but cats get ringworm. Nast.
But I don't blame cats for that. Cats are cool with me. I particularly like the adolescent cats that are still working on their cool as they occasionally fall into the bathtub.
Cat owners working themselves into a frenzy of cat devotion? Eh, I have to see a little projection there.
The Mother Fucking Yankees, to a non-fan.
What's an MFY?
Mother Fucking Yankees
Okay, I guessed the F. Not bad.
The MFY won tonight, but the series is split at 1-1. No cats were harmed in the making of this World Series.
I thought dogs were supposed to be the uncritical lovers. Whichever. They kinda freak me out when they're indoors. Then again, I'm not sure I get babies either. Like kittens they can be cute, but I'm work-averse.
I'm not sure I get babies either.
Definitely not uncritical, nor unqualified in their love.
That is the task: you give them unqualified love. They complain and dole their affection out as it pleases them.
Pretty much cats, I guess. But with slim odds that they'll support you in your dotage, which almost never happens with cats. Occasionally, sure you'll get a beneficent, dotage-supporting cat. But they're pretty rare.
...I wouldn't much count on the kids for that, either. I mean sure, it happens. But sometimes they just skite off to Tibet and leave you foraging...
I haven't worked out unqualified love yet. I can barely feed myself on a regular schedule. No kittehs or babies for me.