Doctor Scott
'Objects In Space'
Doctor Scott
I saw the guy who played the Narrator doing Mycroft Holmes in PBS' Sherlock Holmes series. My brain kept hurting trying to resolve the voice.
My kids have been watching Phineas and Ferb (animated series) lately and I turned to Lewis at one point and said, "Who's voicing Dad?" When he didn't know, I pulled it up on IMDB and discovered it was Richard O'Brien.
Talk about a mindwhoopee.
Isn't he dead?
(Wait, no, I was thinking of Richard Harris.)
It's sure great to see everyone, poking their heads in, and giving updates on their lives.
billytea, you show up on my map! If I zoom in on Oz, there are 4 balloons and you are one of them.
Huh. Opera doesn't show blue pins. I didn't remember I'd coded it that way. But, yeah, bt, you're totes there. Can't you see you? You're behind Drusilla, but you're there.
I can see me now. Don't know why I couldn't before, but it's all good.
Hi, bicyclops!
You're behind Drusilla
Chances are good then that Spike is behind you. Don't turn around.
billytea, I see you and Drusilla in Melbourne.
That could end badly. billytea - if you hear the words "Run and catch" I say run.
I saw the guy who played the Narrator doing Mycroft Holmes in PBS' Sherlock Holmes series.
Wait - he played Mycroft in the PBS one too? He was Mycroft in The Seven Percent Solution. Charles Gray, I believe.