Isn't he dead?
(Wait, no, I was thinking of Richard Harris.)
Isn't he dead?
(Wait, no, I was thinking of Richard Harris.)
It's sure great to see everyone, poking their heads in, and giving updates on their lives.
billytea, you show up on my map! If I zoom in on Oz, there are 4 balloons and you are one of them.
Huh. Opera doesn't show blue pins. I didn't remember I'd coded it that way. But, yeah, bt, you're totes there. Can't you see you? You're behind Drusilla, but you're there.
I can see me now. Don't know why I couldn't before, but it's all good.
Hi, bicyclops!
You're behind Drusilla
Chances are good then that Spike is behind you. Don't turn around.
billytea, I see you and Drusilla in Melbourne.
That could end badly. billytea - if you hear the words "Run and catch" I say run.
I saw the guy who played the Narrator doing Mycroft Holmes in PBS' Sherlock Holmes series.
Wait - he played Mycroft in the PBS one too? He was Mycroft in The Seven Percent Solution. Charles Gray, I believe.
I don't know if it counts as delurking to post, since I haven't gone away, but I only read/post in Lit, Boxed Set, Fic, and Supernatural these days. is blocked at work and I can't access it, so there's no way to keep up with the faster-moving threads.
I'm Consuela, I was posting on the very first TT Buffy thread, along with a few others still here (Hec, I think, and maybe Betsy)--but I was posting under my real name, which I don't use online anymore. My Buffista claim to fame is that Tim Minear first delurked to answer a nitpick I made.
I live in the East Bay of CA, in a small house with a sweetly neurotic rescue German Shepherd and too many books. I work for the fed, in a job whose specific description is entirely awesome and that I cannot actually say in public because I'm the only person in the country doing this. Let's just say it has to do with historic preservation and major aids to navigation.
I'm dealing with aging parents and all that that entails, so my life isn't likely to get calm and peaceful anytime soon.
I'm pro-cilantro, anti-olive, pro-Oxford comma, learned the two spaces after a period, and have finally given up on Dollhouse after watching all of Buffy, Angel, and Firefly on the first run. I have posted fanfic in X-Files, Farscape (MY SHOW!), the Gateverse, and Supernatural. I feel like a bad Buffista because hardly any of it is porny.
Just got back from a two-week trip to Peru with three friends I met online, in which I learned how to tell the difference between llamas and alpacas, hiked the Inca Trail to see Machu Picchu at dawn, ate mountains of rice and the best ceviche ever, and dodged the poop of blue-footed boobies. I had some excellent traveling companions, as well.
Anyway, it's totally lovely to meet all the lurkers, and to see all these old familiar names, like Betsy & CV & Holli. I don't suppose anyone knows where Agnes or Doctor Satan are...?
Since the conversation in this thread, I've realized that the only place I use two spaces at the end of a sentence is on my phone, because that's how the auto-formatting works. (Two spaces after a word triggers a period and capitalization of the next thing you type without having to navigate to the punctuation keyboard. Keen!)
So first I saw this and teared up:
Anyway, Darth is still acting, recently married to a v. nice boy, bought a house, and from all outward appearances doing awesomely.
And then I saw this, and started sobbing openly (love these hormones):
Hi, I'm Darth, another NC-ista. Last time I was here, I worked for an intellectual property search company in Chapel Hill (at the desk next to Cybervixen) and lived near Calli, Smonster and Amyth. Now, I am a multimedia editor/content producer at UNC-Chapel Hill, and actor in Durham. I'm also a newlywed, as me and my husband got gaymarried in Boston this summer.
Ohhhhh my former best friend I miss you soooooo!!!!!! Pleeeeeease email me (hdn123 at gmail dot com)! And if he never again graces us with his presence, will one of you lucky enough to still have a Darth in your lives please pass on my contact info? Its criminal that we've lost touch! (But I'm still not joining Facebook!).
In between the sob sessions, I read this, which just made me giggle:
Maybe we should send the kitty to Cheney? Getting caught with some right leaning pussy might just shut him up for a while.
Trudy rocks.
Oh, and hi Betsy! So nice to see you, and I am sad to hear life is sucking so very much. :(