Cilantro: is there a word stronger than no?
There is, but it is three words long and spoken by Emerson Cod: oh HELL no.
'The Message'
Cilantro: is there a word stronger than no?
There is, but it is three words long and spoken by Emerson Cod: oh HELL no.
Hi Helen(a)! Welcome and I hope you'll post more, now that you've delurked.
Hi Helena! Hi other lurkers who I haven't managed to say hi to yet!
"GIVE ME A MOTHERLOVING PIGGY BACK RIDE!" ::power eyeballs of vampire thrall::
BWEEEEEEE! (But Frankie is the one who was always demanding piggy back rides.)
I don't use the "A" word to describe Pete. But I suspect I'm permanently on The List anyway, for other reasons. Usually ones involving wanting to set things on fire.
Might as well change this thread name to "You're on the List" just to save time...
Pete CANNOT loom at me. Hah.
Oh, Fay, you so know that's not true.
Helena! Hello!
Hi, Helena!
Hi, Helena!
Now, I'm not in position to say if Pete's adorable or not (since I never seen/met him), but:
What Calli said. If he draws me in a compromising position, I want a copy to hang on my wall. To remind myself what it looks like.
Hi Helena, welcome! are you the same Helena that has written Smallville fanfic?
Hello Helena! Yay for delurking! Good to see your font.
Pete is indeed adorable.
Thanks so much for the warm welcome! Vortex, I'm sorry to say I haven't written any Smallville fic, so thats not me.
I forgot to say before, Happy Thanksgiving to all of the Canadians out there!