I call this "trainable."
Sadly, no. At least, not in my experience.
I cannot believe you guys don't know which one is Hall and which one is Oates! You are letting me down, here.
Pee Ess, I think Oates is still clean-shaven. He went stacheless a while back. [link]
Is Polgara around? The kitten friend named one of his kittens Polgara after a David Eddings book and I said it was a Buffy demon. I seem to remember the demon being named after Polgara and now I can't remember.
Polgara named herself after the Eddings sorceress, and they named the Buffy demon after human Polgara, not fictional one.
That's what I thought! Only I seriously did not express it right. I never heard of the David Eddings Polgara, somehow I just thought that human Polgara made up the name....
One of the Philadelphia librarians just sent me this .
The list made me laugh, and I don't
she was trying to tell me something.
Stop demagnetizing her key card, Perkins. Geez!
What about the ticks? Can I still do the tick thing?
I want to be the sock-wearing cookie eater.
I always worry that I smell like road ramps!
I keep random toys on my counter for the scientists to play with while they're waiting for appointments.
I got a rubik's cube yesterday, and it's infuriating because they keep walking by, picking it up, and solving it in ten minutes and then I have to mix it all up again.
This isn't a normal first world problem, is it?