I liked the plot turn at the end of last season, but I really really REALLY can't stand Sarah as an action heroine, and I hate the will-they-won't-they ping pong so it's only ever going to be something I watch when I'm quite bored.
Which places it above Bones, with Baldwin's character as my Hodgins-equivalent.
I'll see if I can find it online.
I'm a little skeptical about the plot twist, but will see...
I'll see if I can find it online.
Laundry person hadn't moved their stuff into the dryer yet, which makes them my nemesis. I want the dryer in half an hour.
I feel minorly bad about taking their stuff out and leaving it on top of the dryers, but really. It's been sitting for about an hour. How long am I supposed to wait? I hope it's not the tenant that bitched me out before for touching her stuff. I don't want to fight.
Oh, god. Tennant is denying he'll be The Riddler. He'd make a
Riddler. Someone needs to get on that.
Couldn't find the picture - but I emailed the jpg.
I thought Bryce was good-looking but smarmy. Which is also what I thought of Bomer's
White Collar
character when I saw commercials, though I didn't place him as someone I've seen. I liked him on Tru Calling, but clearly not enough to ever recognize him again, because I never connected those different roles as being the same guy.
Thanks, sumi--I do know the pic, after all.
I can barely see the extreme pretty of his White Collar character in the
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
stills. He cleans up well.
Laundry nemesis actually had stuff sitting in the dryers too. I cease to feel even slightly bad. Inconvenienced, yes. Bad, no.
I have a spider in my bathtub. I tried to extricate it so that I could scrub the tub without risking its life and limb, but homey don't play that. It was about to get an all expenses paid trip to the great outdoors. Now it's going to have to flee cleaning fluids. Ah, well.